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Helan: MyHelan

For years, health insurance fund Helan has been committed to user-friendliness through digitalisation. Customers can request, submit, and monitor a lot of things on their own, by using the app or the website. Time to put all those functionalities in the spotlight. And because we can't resist, we're turning it into a fun story.

The customer

In 2022, Partena and OZ officially merged to form Helan Independent Health Insurance Fund. They became the third-largest health insurance fund in Flanders. Helan also offers home care, child care, housekeeping services, summer camps and a healthcare store.

The challenge

"You can easily do it in the app or on the website!" If you're familiar with technology, that sounds like music to your ears. But for a lot of people, it's scary. They immediately worry: what if they can't figure it out? 

We need to explain what you can do through the app and the website, but we also need to show how easy it all is. So easy that even your mother can do it.

Our solution

Our narrator introduces his mom, who sometimes daydreams about the good old days. But not everything was better back then: today many things have become a lot easier to do. From receiving reimbursements to ordering new membership labels . 

We go for fun scenes with simple elements that convey the message at a glance. We combine that with a smooth, friendly voiceover and voila: the  viewer now understands how easy it can be, thanks to Helan. 

Behind the scenes

Script and storyboard

We start with a touch of nostalgia: a mom thinking back to the days of yesteryear. But not everything was better back then. There was no MyHelan! With all the benefits and functionalities that it offers. 

Our main character discovers scene by scene what she can do with MyHelan, AND how easy it is. From smooth transition to smooth transition: it all comes naturally.

Style Proposal

As a health fund, Helan is fully committed to digitalisation. But they are also committed to a personal touch. It's a precarious balance we also had to take into account when developing the visual style. Keywords were warm, human, likeable. The result is a fixed visual style that you will also recognise in other videos we made for Helan.

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