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Fost Plus: Green Dot

Most people recognize it. It's on numerous packages. But do they know what it means? The Green Dot logo could use a word of explanation. And preferably tailored to the target group: short, powerful and accessible. This video is part of a whole series of videos for Fost Plus.

The customer

Fost Plus is the driving force behind household packaging recycling in Belgium. Every day, Fost Plus works with public and private partners to create a circular economy for household packaging, from collecting trash from citizens' homes to recycling it domestically.

The challenge

It has something to do with recycling, right? Most people don't know any more than that. Perhaps it means that the packaging should go in the blue bag? Or that it was made from recycled material? 

Time to explain the real meaning. In human language, so that every viewer understands the explanation. And preferably also in a short time so that that viewer does not drop out.   

Our solution

We address our viewer directly, first and foremost debunking the most common misconceptions. Then we explain step by step what Green Dot really stands for, and how Green Dot fees encourage companies to make more recyclable packaging. 

No complex sentences or busy backgrounds, but clear explanations in human language, supported by simplified visuals. So that every viewer understands the message.

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