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Well Played as a video partner

Many good things don't last. But thankfully, great partnerships do. And the longer we know our clients, the better we can respond to what they need.

This allows us to shift gears faster, and quickly get to an end result that achieves the right goal. Moreover, it enables us to contribute to a long-term approach, and offer strategic advice from our experience as a video partner. In other words: it's a win-win!

What to expect.

Of course we give 100% for each of our customers. But for our partners, we go the extra mile. We keep going until they are completely satisfied - no limits for feedback. We also assign a fixed contact person, are more flexible in terms of scheduling and ensure communication is quick. This means everything goes even more smoothly than usual.

You will also notice the difference in our quote, especially if we can bundle several animation videos in one quote. Because we are happy to do our very best for our partners. 

Our loyal customers

Having a long-term video partner has many advantages. And a lot of our clients already understand that. 

Fost Plus

They do important work and we come into contact with them almost every day. And yet not many people know their name. That's exactly why they needed to invest in some clear communication that explains not only what Fost Plus does, but also why that's so important. So we made a series of videos in an accessible tone of voice and a refreshing visual style. Fully tailored to the message, and the target audience.


It's not always about getting more customers, more leads or more conversions. For Eurocontrol, the goal is to make air traffic in Europe as safe as possible. That's why they created SKYbrary: an online database of procedures and guidelines for safe air traffic control. This database contains a wealth of information, but the sometimes very long texts are not very accessible. That is why Eurocontrol decided to highlight the most important topics with a series of clear videos.


Health insurance company Helan knows that video is versatile. That's why they use our videos to attract new customers, to keep existing customers informed, to motivate employees for the future, and much more. It's a partnership that dates back to when Helan was still called Partena. Over the years we have evolved together with Helan, adjusting our approach to fit their needs.

UZ Gent

What kind of support is available for cancer patients? Why might your doctor ask for an extra sample? And what guidelines do nurses need to follow when it comes to 'high risk medication'? UZ Gent has so many messages to share, with so many different viewers. And some of these messages are a matter of life and death. What better way to get that message across than with a short, powerful video. Especially if the video tells a strong story, in a custom visual style. That's why UZ Gent is happy to call us their long-term video partner.

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