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Brady: Transposafe

No matter what goods you're transporting: a lot can go wrong along the way. You can protect yourself against that with the products offered by Transposafe. They have a solution for every situation, and they want to make that clear for every potential customer. With a short, powerful explainer!

The customer

Transposafe is the security expert within the Brady group. With products such as medical packaging, sealbags and various types of seals, they help their customers secure their supply chain by preventing theft, fraud, and disputes during transport.

The challenge

Some companies want a seal that is almost impossible to break. For other companies, the seal has to break easily so that it is immediately obvious if the goods were tampered with. And these are just two examples: every customer has different needs. 

We need to make it clear that Transposafe has a solution for every situation. How can we showcase all the different products and applications that Transposafe offers?

Our solution

We follow a load of goods being transported from start to final destination. Along the way, both the goods and the mode of transportation are transformed, and a different kind of threat appears in each scene. A stealthy thief, a sneaky saboteur, a refrigerated truck in the blazing sun ... 

Then we present the solution: Transposafe. Their solutions neutralise every threat in every scene we have seen. Allowing the goods to arrive safe and sound at their final destination.

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