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Vandemoortele: PO numbers

There's nothing more powerful than a good story. Especially if your goal is to change a specific behaviour, as was the case for Vandemoortele. Many of their suppliers kept forgetting to mention the correct PO number on their invoices. To change that, we told the story of a somewhat unexpected main character: the invoice itself.

The customer

Vandemoortele is a leading European food company offering an extensive range of products in two categories: frozen baked goods and margarines, culinary oils and fats. Vandemoortele offers convenient solutions for professionals as well as products for consumers.

The challenge

Changing someone's behaviour is no simple task. After all, suppliers don't really care if Vandemoortele employees receive an incomplete invoice in the mail. A simple instructional video or an appeal from the mouth of a Vandemoortele employee won't be enough to engage our viewers.

In addition, we also need to share the necessary instructions, so that every viewer knows exactly what to do after watching.

Our solution

We follow the story of Timmy, an invoice with no PO number. Scene after scene, we see his situation becoming more disastrous. Until he ends up completely forgotten, and stained with coffee to boot. 

Throughout the video, we not only sympathise with poor Timmy, we also see that the invoice ultimately goes unpaid. Bad news for the supplier, in other words. And we end with a clear call-to-action: don't be like Timmy!

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