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Fost Plus: Circular Economy

Sorting? Of course! So we can recycle our waste neatly. But what happens to that recycled material? And why is our current approach better than what we used to do? We summarize the whole story for you in this video, part of a whole series of videos for Fost Plus.

The customer

Fost Plus is the driving force behind household packaging recycling in Belgium. Every day, Fost Plus works with public and private partners to create a circular economy for household packaging, from collecting trash from citizens' homes to recycling it domestically.

The challenge

Not so long ago, recycling was out of the question. We took raw materials, made products, and afterwards just threw them away. Meanwhile, we take a completely different approach. We recycle our stuff, and use that recycled material as raw material.

It's an important transition, and an important message to share. How do we ensure that the message is not only viewed and understood, but also retained afterwards?

Our solution

To make the right impact, we looked for the perfect balance. Accessible, but completely accurate. Concise, but complete. And enthusiastic, but not infomercial. 

We combine a friendly storyteller with bright visuals that add much-needed power to the message. Not a magic formula, but a recipe that works.

Relevant cases

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