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Vlaamse Sportfederatie: Explainer

Explaining who you are and what you do is not easy for many organizations. Especially when you are active in many different areas, such as The Flemish Sports Federation. Too often it turned out that people confused them with other organizations, such as Sport Vlaanderen. Time for a clear introduction, with a short but powerful animation video.

The customer

The Flemish Sports Federation is an umbrella organization for sports federations and their sports clubs in Flanders. It represents 1.4 million athletes in Flanders, who play sports in more than 18,500 sports clubs, and more than 70,000 trainers and 300,000 volunteers who commit themselves weekly to their sport. Together with all these enthusiasts, the Flemish Sports Federation works every day to create a strong, organized sports sector.

The challenge

The Flemish Sports Federation represents numerous sports clubs in many different disciplines. So a lot of different sports need to be captured. If you do that with camera images, you have to book a lot of different locations. If you do that with animation, you quickly find yourself with a very labor-intensive project. Because many sports movements are quite complex to animate. 

In addition, the triple mission of the Flemish Sports Federation must be clearly conveyed. In human language, so that every viewer understands what they are doing.

Our solution

We started looking for a creative concept that would allow us to keep the scope of the project within budget, and still deliver a wise result. And we found our eureka: a collage style that combines stock photos and illustrated elements with a rougher animation style. 

The result? An utterly charming video that represents the entire target group. And also makes it clear to them what the Flemish Sports Federation does for them. A successful eureka!

Well Played is tops in their animation profession and as a client you feel like king. They have a very efficient, personal and professional approach. Thank you, Well Played!

Sara Pannecoucke

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