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Paardensport Vlaanderen: safety

Every teacher has their own approach, and that's no different when it comes to horseback riding. But there are some basic rules that should be respected during every horseback riding lesson, to ensure the safety of both horse and rider. To summarise these rules for a wide and varied audience, we created a clear animation video that hits all the right notes.

The customer

Paardensport Vlaanderen is the largest equestrian federation in Flanders with 5 provincial competitions, around 650 affiliated clubs and more than 40,000 members. Through all of its clubs, Paardensport Vlaanderen offers equestrian sports for young and old, from basics to top-level, with passion and fun.

The challenge

The message is intended for a number of different audiences: instructors, clubs, riders, and also the parents of those riders. Not every viewer has prior knowledge of these safety guidelines, but the explanation must be easy to understand for all of them. At the same time, we don't want to make our more experienced viewers feel like we're patronising them. 

Every scene has to be correct, and accurate. But we also can't have the viewer get distracted by too many details. So we need to emphasise the right elements.

Our solution

Eight safety guidelines, that makes eight chapters. For each chapter, we briefly summarise exactly what the guideline says, while showing a relatable scene that demonstrates the importance of the rule. In this way we make the message doubly clear. 

We chose our words and scenes very carefully, to ensure that we can engage every viewer. And we ended the video with a clear call-to-action: keep it safe!

Well Played's biggest asset? You always find a solution for each point of feedback, even within a domain you are not familiar with.

Ellen De Keukeleire

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